Allergy and Asthma Consultants offer a broad range of treatment options for patients with allergic and asthmatic conditions in the Redwood City and Fremont communities.
Atopic dermatitis
Allergic rhinitis / hay fever
Urticaria / Angioedema, (hives)
Atopic dermatitis / eczema
Food and Drug allergies
Medical management of chronic sinusitis
Stinging insect allergy
Sinus Infections
Immune evaluations for recurrent &unusual infections
Pollen Allergy Testing for pollens, indoor allergens, molds and foods
Allergy immunotherapy (shots) for allergies and asthma
Allergy blood testing
Pulmonary Function Testing
Penicillin Skin Testing
Spirometry (breathing tests)
Oral challenges for food allergies
Desensitization for drug allergies
Patch testing for contact dermatitis and delayed hypersensitivity reactions
Counseling on the use of inhaled medications
New treatments for blocking allergies
Immunomodulatory treatments for asthma
Environmental control measures to decrease allergen exposure at home